贾芳菊,女,1991年5月生,2022年获得管理学博士学位,2022年12月入职无锡学院。主要研究方向为突发公共卫生事件应急管理、随机分析理论。参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目、社会横向项目等多项课题研究。已在Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications、《中国管理科学》等国内外期刊发表多篇学术论文。曾获国家奖学金、国家励志奖学金、侯镜如奖学金、博士新生奖学金、学术论文二等奖等。
[1]贾芳菊,周坤,李廉水.突发公共卫生事件协同防控策略的随机演化决策分析[J].中国管理科学, 2022.(国家自然科学基金委A类期刊& CSSCI)
[2]Fangju Jia, Dong-dong Wang, Lianshui Li. Decision analysis of international joint prevention and control of public health emergencies[J]. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2022, online.(SCI & JCR2)
[3]Fangju Jia, Dong-dong Wang, Lianshui Li. The stochastic evolutionary game analysis of public prevention and control strategies in public health emergencies[J]. Kybernetes, 2023,52(6):2205-2224.(ABS & SCI)
[4]Fangju Jia, Dong-dong Wang, Kun Zhou, Lianshui Li. Differential decision analysis of transboundary pollution considering the participation of the central government[J]. Managerial and Decision Economics, 2022,43(6):1684-1703(ABS2 & SSCI)
[5]Fangju Jia, Chunzheng Cao. Dynamic analysis of a stochastic rumor propagation model with regime switching[J]. Mathematics, 2021, 9(24), 3277.(SCI & JCR1)
[6]Fangju Jia, Guangying Lv, Guangan Zou. Dynamic analysis of a rumor propagation model with Lévy noise[J]. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2018, 41(4):1661-1673.(SCI & JCR1)
[7]Fangju Jia, Guangying Lv, Shuangfeng Wang, Guangan Zou. Dynamic analysis of a stochastic rumor propagation model[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2018, 490(15):613-623.(SCI & JCR1)
[8]Fangju Jia, Guangying Lv, Shuangfeng Wang, Guangan Zou. Dynamic analysis of a stochastic delayed rumor propagation model[J]. Journal of Statistical Mechanics Theory and Experiment, 2018, 2018(2):023502.(SCI & JCR2)